5 Easy Exercises to do During Social Isolation
With all gyms closed, staying active can be challenging. Remember, scientists proved that remaining active benefits your mood and overall well-being. Here at 5 easy ways to keep you moving and exercising during this social isolation period.
1. Stretching
Stretching is something we should all be doing daily, but few of us do this. We can use this time of social isolation to start this healthy habit. Stretching keeps muscles flexible, reliable, and fit while also maintaining a range of motion in the joints.
We are not all experts, so it is essential to start slow and continue to improve daily. Here is an excellent resource from the Mayo Clinic. It is a guide to fundamental stretches and is a great starting place for both beginners and experts. They even include pictures and instructions for each stretch. Try to start stretching every morning with each of these stretches. Give yourself a goal of holding each stretch for 30 seconds.
2. Walking
Getting outside and exercising during this time can be vital to your health, plus it is easy to keep your distance from people. Find a park near you or take a walk around the block. Getting outside and walking for 20-30 minutes in nature has been proven to enhance both your mental and physical health.
Be sure to avoid places that tend to get crowded, and that might not give you enough space to keep a safe distance from others.
Here are a few tips when taking a walk:
- Make sure you have good shoes to walk in
- Mix up your walks to keep things fresh. Don’t do the same walk every day.
- Set a goal for time walking instead of distance walking. Everyone has a different pace, so if you are just getting started, aim for a 20-minute brisk walk vs. 1-mile walking.
Here is a great guide to help you. Getting Started Walking
3. Yoga
Yoga is an excellent activity to start with today. For one, it has been shown to improve heart health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and it also helps with stress relief. Stress relief is something we could all use during this time. Yoga is also easy on the joints and muscles, making it an option for people of all ages.
We like the YouTube Channel Yoga with Adrienne. She has a lot of options for different types of yoga, including a designed Yoga for Seniors. Try getting started with one of the Beginner lessons and work to do Yoga 2-3 times a week.
4. Bike Ride
With the weather heating up in Dallas and Houston, it’s time to dust off the old bike and start riding and exercising again. As long as you are not riding in big groups, it is safe for you to ride outside. Bike riding can be a high aerobic activity, meaning your heart, lungs, and blood vessels get a workout. Biking is also low impact meaning it will cause less strain and injuries than other forms of exercise.
Remember, you don’t have to do an intense bike workout right away. Start with a leisurely ride around your neighborhood to start building the right muscles. Try to aim for 30-60 minute bike ride. Remember to use a helmet and be careful when riding around town.
5. Try a home workout
You know exercise is right for you, but getting started can be challenging. Some people like to be encouraged when they work out. Watching an at-home workout on the TV or Laptop can give you some of that.
There are hundreds of free workouts online for you. We like Joe Wick’s Body Coach YouTube channel. He seems to have something for everyone, beginners, working out with kids, seniors, and workouts for more advanced individuals. Try streaming his channel to your TV, grab some water and a towel and get your sweat on!
Exercising during an outbreak can be challenging, but we hope these tips help to get you moving. Exercise keeps us mentally and physically healthy, so we must try our best to keep moving. Always consult your doctor before starting a workout program.